
Click the 'Read More' button below for more information on enrolment at Kismet Park 



The Department of Education has a statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline.  The timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation (Prep) at a Victorian government primary school, including Kismet Park Primary School. 


You can find information and resources about the enrolment timeline at: Enrolling in Foundation (Prep)


All prospective families will need to complete an Enrolment Application form. Enrolment application forms can be downloaded here:  Enrolment Application Form or obtained from the school office. Once you have completed and signed the enrolment application form, please hand it into our school office or email it to kismet.park.ps@education.vic.gov.au


Additional documentation required to be submitted with an Enrolment Form include:


  • Birth Certificate or Child’s Passport
  • Immunisation Certificate
  • Child’s Passport (if child born overseas)
  • Proof of address documents (e.g. Drivers Licence, 12 month Lease Agreement/Council Rates notice  and 2 utility bills e.g. gas, electricity)
  • Additional requirements once enrolment has been accepted include:
  • Asthma Management Plan (prepared in conjunction with, and signed/stamped by a medical practitioner for all children who suffer from asthma).
  • Anaphylaxis Management Plan (prepared in conjunction with, and signed/stamped by a medical practitioner for all children who suffer from anaphylaxis).
  • Any reports your child may have eg: paediatrician, psychologist, speech, occupational therapist or any other professional who has assessed your child. Having these documents early ensures that we know and understand your child’s needs and can respond accordingly.

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