Kinder to Prep Transition

Get Set for Prep! A Positive Start to School 

At Kismet Park Primary School we strive to ensure a smooth, positive transition from Kindergarten to Primary School. Our Kinder–Prep Transition commences with Orientation sessions in November/December and continues through the first four weeks of school.  Dates and times of Orientation sessions will be provided in our enrolment confirmation letters to be mailed out in early September.



Getting To Know Your Child

To inform our planning for the year ahead we would like to meet our future students so we can get to know them a little. To achieve this we would like to meet with a parent and their child early in term 4 to complete a short pre-school assessment. This assessment along with a quick chat will take about 15 minutes to complete.  Dates and times will be sent out at the beginning of term 4. 



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